Clavis CMS

Having a completely updated website always required web developers; therefore, they tend to be offline; bureaucratic times prevent a photograph, a bank promotion, etc. Softur has developed a dynamic concept of templates for websites, these solutions are called CMS (Control Manager System). Developed in responsive technology Clavis CMS will offer, from its initial installation, to put online a website structure according to the commercialization of tourist services, as it is styled in the market; however, you can make the changes you consider necessary on your site and in a completely autonomous way.

The difficulties involved, not just the start-up and design of a Travel Agency or Tour Operator site have been simplified with CLAVIS CMS.

What needs do you solve?

  • The content of products must be 100% updated instantly.
  • The design and content of updated graphs and customer search and orientation criteria can not be a commercial obstacle.

The content of products is resolved by integrating content from Hotels, Flights, Packages and Services provided by WebServices from its own internal management iTraffic or various Wholesale Operators, broker and GDS.

The design and graphic of the site will be easily managed and customized by staff of your agency, since CLAVIS CMS has a content manager panel in which both the Banners that must upload to the site are indicated, as well as the search criteria that must be activated. when a possible passenger clicks on them.

All the logic of a website, absolutely integrated to your internal management, without needing technical knowledge or invoking web developers.

Softur will provide a typical marketing service template that you can manage and modify at your leisure.

The CLAVIS Modules are basically divided into two B2B and B2C segments

B2B or Clavis of Agencies

  • They have LogIn therefore the agencies that use it must identify themselves at the entrance, for that reason each one will observe and impact on their corresponding commercial conditions.
  • The work circuit is MULTI-PRODUCT, that is, the Travel Agent will be able to tailor a quote by adding and permanently modifying the quotation.
  • Online budgeting or purchase will directly impact a current account.

B2C or Clavis direct sales to final consumer

  • It is free income, with which all users access the same price list.
  • The purchase circuit of MONO-PRODUCT, with the mere intention of facilitating the sale and not confusing the user.
  • The closing of the sale is made with the confirmation by online Collection with credit card.

For both B2B and B2C schemes, Softur will be able to market independent modules for the sale of airplanes, hotels, services and circuits.

Clavis Web Account Status

Your customers can log in via LogIn to the account status of their own Reservations, see the payments applied, download the PDF invoices, etc.

Clavis Sale Flights

It is the online sales module developed by Softur to interpret the contents of AMADEUS, SABER, GOL and KIU. For Amadeus Softur cases you can also perform not only the integration but also the certification of the site.

Clavis Circuits Sale

Softur has developed the first package integrations, now on your website you can offer full circuit content by consulting against the database of various wholesale operators, GDS providers and / or your own inventory.

Clavis Sale Hotels

A Web Module that allows you to market Hospitality services by direct agreements and preload in the iTraffic management system. As a complement to the sale of hotel services by direct agreements with service providers, it is possible to implement CLAVIS INTERFACES with hotel brokers, in order to complement your agreements with rates and availability from all types of brokers and channel managers.

Clavis Sale Services

Probably with the sale of Hospitality it is necessary the accompaniment of optional services; With Clavis Sale Services, your client will have the option of, for example, adding the transfers to the purchase of their hotel nights.

Clavis Collection Online

Integrated with the main payment platforms worldwide (Equifax, NPS, Safety Pay, PayPal, TransBank) Clavis Cobros Online is the tool that will allow both you and your customers to charge with credit cards the amounts of each reservation.

Clavis MercadoPago and TodoPago

Now Clavis is integrated with the most used form of payment in the market. You can offer your clients the online collection with all the amenities that MercadoPago and TodoPago offer them and see how their collection circuit automatically closes in iTraffic.

Clavis Reel (Statistical Reports Online)

It is a managerial control tool that allows you to have any type of Report from your own mobile device or computer connected to the network of networks.

Clavis Mobile (Online Sales from mobile devices)

Originally intended as a mobile sales tool for Tours Coordinator. An application that allows generating a sale of optional products impacting online in iTraffic Reserves. Agile sale, online, 100% effective and mobile!


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